In this guide, we’ll explore how you can install them in Path of Exile (PoE). But, before getting into the installation guide, first, let’s understand what are the loot filters and what are their uses in the game.

What are the Loot Filters and Their Uses?

In PoE, loots are important for endgame and character development. But only a portion of loots is worth taking as many of them are not as useful. Also, looking out for the best loots and filtering the loots by yourself can be time-consuming and distracting. In PoE, the more loot you carry, the slower you will become. In PoE where speed matters a lot, you cannot afford to be slow. This is where the loot filters come in. Loot filters will help you to get the best out of the game. Using a loot filter, you can identify which loots are important and useful. You can customize the UI or text for more useful items using a loot filter. This will help you distinguish between the loots and you can pick only the loots that you need.  Using some loot filters allows you to customize sound when a useful loot drops. Although the game has already an in-built item filter, it does not filter every unnecessary loot. As you go further into the game, loots will be abundant and can be very difficult to sort out. 

How To Install Loot Filters?

Here is the step-by-step procedure to install the filter.  Following these steps, you can successfully download, install, and activate the filter for the game. Now you can enjoy the game without worrying about what loot filter to pick.  Now, let’s move on to the different types of loot filters for PoE.

Best Path of Exile Loot Filters

Here’s a list of all the best PoE Loot filters that in our perception:

Filter 1: NeverSink’s Loot Filter

Neversink helps distinguish between the loots using different text sizes, colors, and labels.  The colors and labels are easy to memorize and will catch your eye while playing the game. It also has sound customizations. So, when a great loot like Chaos Orb drops, you can tell by hearing the sound.  You can download this filter from GitHub or Filterblade’s site. GitHub provides loot filter files with already specified customizations. Filterblade will allow you to customize the settings of your preference on the site and later download the file. So, we recommend you to use Never Sink from Filterblade.

Filter 2: Dissolator’s BEAST filter Loot Filter

This filter also highlights currencies, recipes, and gear types. It also adapts itself like NeverSink’s loot filter as you level up or go higher in the game. It also has the sound and color scheme for different tier loots.  It offers four presets i.e., Starter, Regular, Late Game, and Strict Late Game. Also, you can easily customize every aspect, like text size, which type of gear to show, recipes, etc. If you are new go with the Regular preset to make things easier. If you don’t like NeverSink’s Loot filter, you can go with this filter. You can download and also customize it on FireBlast.

Filter 3: Greengroove’s Loot Filter

Greengrove’s loot filter comes with easy customizations for color and sound. But the main feature of this filter is its different styles for visuals. This filter already gives a specific color to important loots. The loots that are useful and should not be left are highlighted with pink and green colors in this filter. Greengroove’s loot filter has different sounds according to the rarity of the loot. It also labels hidden items and has a complete racing filter. 

Filter 4: StupidFatHobbit’s Loot Filter

This filter is mainly for experienced players and players interested in racing. This filter has three presets, i.e., “General”, “Strict”, and “Uberstrict”. This filter will make sure no time is wasted in picking the useless loots. If you are interested in racing, fast leveling, early mapping, and endgame, this filter is for you.

Filter 5: Ajido’s Aesthetically Pleasing Loot Filter

As the name suggests, this filter is aesthetically pleasing. But, the texts and colors presented in this filter are easy on the eyes. While other loot filters’ text and color are disorganized, this filter also organizes them in eyes pleasing manner. This filter works as efficiently as other loot filters. If your eyes are straining using other filters, then you can use this filter. You can also download this filter from FireBlast.

Filter 6: One Filter To Rule Them All

This filter has everything you need like leveling, racing, and end game content. This filter does not sort out the importance of the loot with different colors. Also, it is not as maintained as other filters. But it highlights everything that you need in fast-paced gaming.  This filter has 6 levels of strictness for you, i.e., Low, Moderate, Highish, High, Very High, Tight. If you have no idea about the strictness you can start from moderate to get the idea. You can also customize colors, texts whichever you like. You can know more about the specific highlights of this filter and download the filter. If you want to see the list of all filters, you can visit the official PoE webpage. 

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