It is the first component to install on the casing before assembling even the motherboard and other hardware. The motherboard’s extension port goes into the shield and installing anything before it can force you to restart the building process from the beginning. The IO shield attaches itself to the casing and does not come off if properly installed. However, installing it for some PC cases can be quite tricky, probably because it needs quite a bit of force to fit perfectly.

How To Install IO Shield?

The IO shield usually comes in the motherboard package as an accessory. If you have a PC case with the good build quality, then it should not be much hassle to install the shield. However, for low-quality casings and some custom IO shields, it may take a while for the installation. Nevertheless, the process is the same for all. Let’s move towards it straight away.

Remove the Factory IO Shield or the Old One

If your computer casing has a factory IO shield, then it may not match your motherboard’s port. Similarly, you may be shifting to a new motherboard whose extension ports do not ally with the older one. In such cases, you will have to remove the IO shield already present in the casing. For that, simply push the IO shield with your fingers from the outer side of the casing. Sometimes, you may have to apply a little bit more force to bring it out.

Find the Correct Orientation of IO Shield

The IO shield can fit on the casing even if you place it upside down. But, the holes in the shield will not match the ports on the motherboard. It could be quite a hassle if you wasted your effort in fitting it inaccurately. So, you will have to find the correct orientation to place the IO shield. Bring out the motherboard and place it on the desk. We recommend you use an anti-static mat or anti-static wristband while handling the board. Remember the orientation you just identified to install the IO shield in the same way later.

Bend the Prongs

You can find some prongs and extrusions coming out of the IO shield. These should be kept in touch with the motherboard or the ports. This provides the grounding circuit for the motherboard to protect from sudden electric surges and static charges. You can now take the IO shield out of the motherboard.

Remove Any Rear Casing Fans

Some computer casings provide rear system fans right above or below the IO shield. This makes it difficult to insert the shield in its place properly. So, you should unscrew the rear casing fans, if any, and remove them from the inside of the casing.

Perform the Installation

Now, we are ready to fit the IO shield to the casing. Bring the IO shield in the orientation identified earlier, and let’s move on to perform the installation. Some cheaper and low-build quality IO shields may be difficult to insert. In such cases, you can follow the instructions given below. You should find the IO shield fits perfectly. You can now move on to other hardware components, starting from the rear casing fan you removed earlier.

Is It Necessary to Install an IO Shield?

There are a few advantages of using the IO shield in the computer casing. Let’s look at them.

It protects the inner components and their functioning from interference by external electromagnetic devices.It provides a grounding circuit through prongs for the extension ports of the motherboard, saving them from static charge.It prevents dust and dirt from entering the casing easily.It fills the void in the back of the motherboard and provides aesthetics to the PC.

However, nowadays, the motherboard comes with an in-built IO shield. So, you do not have to worry about installing it yourself.

How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 87How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 25How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 47How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 12How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 27How To Install IO Shield On Your PC Chassis   Step By Step Guide - 21