Refresh rate is the frequency at which the monitor can display frames every second or how many times a monitor can refresh itself in one second. For instance, A 60Hz hertz monitor can refresh its screen 60 times per second. We can find out the exact Hertz of our monitor through windows settings, third-party websites, Graphics control panels, and even from the stickers manufacturers use on the computer’s body. 

How Many Hertz Is My Monitor?

The best method to find the refresh rate is through stickers on the PC or the windows settings. As a secondary method, the graphics control panel will also work fine. If you get confused with these settings, you can always use third-party websites to find the exact Hertz. Remember, the higher the Hertz, the better the monitor’s refresh capabilities. According to our recommendations, you should consider 60hz to be the lowest baseline. Consider 144 Hz or anything above a good monitor refresh rate. We recommend not dropping below 144 Hz monitors if you plan to game.

Check Stickers on Monitor / Body of Pc

We recommend checking the body of the PC or the monitor. There are usually stickers on these sections that indicate the refresh rate of monitors.  If you can find them, the work is done; else, move on to the steps below.

Use Windows Settings

The alternatives stated below should help you find the exact Hertz of your monitor. Any one of the alternatives stated is enough. You do not need to use both. The following steps are for Windows 11. Windows 10 will have similar options in the display settings too.

Using Display Information

Using Display Adapter Properties

Check Graphics Card Control Panel 

Every computer uses an integrated graphics card or a combination of an integrated and dedicated graphics card.  If you have not bought a separate card for your computer system or do not see any NVIDIA or AMD stickers on your device, chances are you only use integrated graphics. (You can check this detail on Graphics Specification) But, which ever graphics card you use, the process to checking the display’s refresh rate is the same. You can check this information via the Graphics control panels.  Below we have taken an example of Intel and Nvidia. Try to check yours. If you are using other brands’ graphics, try to find a similar setting. All of them will have a display settings option.

Check via Integrated Graphics Control Panel

We have taken an example of intel. Suppose you have any other brand integrated graphics card. Try finding the control panel for that particular brand. The above option will work fine if you only have one monitor set up or multiple monitors but use only an integrated graphics card. Now, this option might not work for external monitors if you have another dedicated graphics card setup and the monitor is connected to that card. In such cases, follow the steps below.

Check via Dedicated Graphics Card Control Panel

Use this option if you have an external graphics card installed on the computer & use multiple monitor setups.  If you are using a laptop, the options below might not show up until you hook up an external monitor to your computer. We have taken an example of the Nvidia Control Panel; we recommend checking your control panel. It doesn’t matter which graphics card you use; all control panels will have a certain option to check Hertz. Try finding them.

Use Third-Party Websites

There are tons of third-party websites that we can use to check our refresh rate. We have listed a few popular ones to check your monitor’s refresh rate.


Can I Increase the Refresh Rate of My Monitor?

Unfortunately, the maximum refresh rate of the monitor cannot be increased. You can choose lower refresh rate settings, but the upper limit will stay the same.

Can I Decrease the Refresh Rate of My Monitor?

It depends on your monitor and the settings available. Windows will show possible refresh rate options. Please use the windows settings options stated above. You will get to the exact section to change the refresh rate.

Does Having a High Refresh Rate Monitor Guarantee Smooth Gameplay?

Refresh rate is only one part of the equation. For smooth gameplay, the things to focus on are:

Refresh Rate of monitorGraphics CardPort Version of Graphics card & monitorAdaptive Sync TechnologiesVariable Overdrive

Make sure you are running a current graphics card. We are currently at the RTX series of Nvidia Graphics. We recommend not dropping below the GX 1660. Another thing people don’t notice is the ports and cables. Each version of the port and cable allows a certain level of data transfer.  We have a dedicated article regarding 144hz refresh rates through HDMI; we recommend checking it out to get the concept of all three elements.  Always go for either the current standard of HDMI or display port. If all this is done, the last thing to focus on is adaptive sync technology. This technology manages the refresh rate of your monitor according to the frames rendered by the graphics card, which helps to eliminate screen flickering or tearing issues. We have another article that focuses on the adaptive sync of NVidia. Please go through it to get the concept. AMD also has its version of adaptive sync called free sync.  However, consider Free Sync equivalent to the G- Sync Compatible tier of Nvidia. Gaming will be smooth like butter if you get all these elements right.

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