I straight up went into panic mode while dealing with some bosses. Good thing I could summon souls to aid me in my desperate times though they make bosses even stronger.  Every boss I encountered, I thought, “this is impossible! How am I supposed to defeat this guy?” but I did. After several defeats, I couldn’t take it, so I did what every desperate gamer does, watch Youtube tutorial videos and read articles. All the bosses I fought were based on my experience and how I dealt with them. I will tell you how I fought and defeated each boss. 

Dark Souls 3 Bosses in Order

How can you not love bosses that are thrice your size and straight up gives you nightmares? And the orchestra music playing in the background while you get plumbed by the boss’s attacks adds a whole new dimension to battle. So burn your bone shards and gather as much estus flask in your inventory because I am about to give you all the bosses of Dark souls 3 in order.

Iudex Gundyr

Your first boss encounter is where you will pull a coiled sword out of his chest while he is in statue form. As soon as you do that, he will leap onto you with his halberd. He will swing and try to stab you with his halberd.  His attacks are somewhat slow and easy to dodge. The trick here is to dodge his slow moves and attack him to spend enough stamina to dodge his next move. He will give you plenty of time to attack, but while doing so, you will lose your stamina, and if you don’t have enough stamina to dodge, he will kill you.  Know when to heal because I usually die without using my estus flask, so keep an eye on your health and stamina. Once you damage his health by half, his head will become a black blob of chaos. You should finish him as quickly as possible by rolling to his back and attacking him. Don’t forget to heal at a safe distance.

Vordt Of The Boreal Valley

This one was easy once I learned how to defeat him. I suggest you use a summon on this one because you want him distracted.  You might call it a glitch or feature, but if you can stay up to his back and keep on attacking his ass, you are good to go. You don’t want to get away from him but close and roll straight to his back. His breath will have ice damage after his health goes down to fifty. Put him in the corner or attach him to the wall, and you will easily destroy the heir of fire. 

Curse-Rotted Greatwood

It’s an optional boss, so if you’re feeling a little adventurous, you can indeed try your art of dodging and combat with this boss. You will find the tree in the Undead Settlement after dodging spears and arrows from the graveyard.  Before charging straight to Greatwood, finish off its worshippers, especially the red-eyed ones. The giant tree will wake up and start attacking you with its branches like arms. You have to break its eggs, the tree will shatter the platform, and you are in the next phase.  His moves are quite slow except for his hands that are in the front.  Just focus on attacking its bunch of eggs around his hands and parts of his body. 

Crystal Sage

I was instantly killed by his crystals when I encountered him. He has various attacks with homing crystals, floating crystals that follow, projectile orbs, and ground crystals. He has too many range attacks, so running around the level won’t help you except if you hide behind the wall.  The first phase is not that difficult compared to the second because, in the second phase, you will get attacked in all four corners as he clones himself and attacks you. At this point, you can attack his clones using projectile weapons or magic because each clone takes only one hit to die.  If clones surround you, you can’t use an Estus flask out in the open. A good trick is to hide behind walls and use them.  After defeating all the clones, roll straight towards the original one and slam your weapons until he dies. That was my way of defeating him.

Abyss Watchers

You will encounter this boss at the very end of Farron Keep and the start of Catacomb. I knew I was about to die, but somehow, I defeated two of his clones. I thought it was over, but it was just the beginning, and I was on to the next phase.  Fighting this boss is like a dance of dodging and attacking. His Farron Greatsword is pretty long, and he will have rush attacks and three chain attacks. All I can say is dodge his attack mostly sideways and attack him just after he finishes his moves. This way, you can stagger him a bit to land some more hits. Remember to leave some stamina to dodge away from his sword.  I summoned an NPC soul, but it was no use because he was killed halfway between fighting boss clones. You can try switching weapons with high damage if you struggle to defeat this boss.

High Lord Wolnir

After crossing the bridge in the Catacombs of Carthus, you will enter a church with a skull goblet in the middle. Touch the skull goblet, and the boss will appear out of the black fog emitted by the goblet.  He is a huge skeleton torso with fancy bangles. You break his fancy bangles, and he will attack you with his sword. Don’t go too near him; his poisonous mist will damage your health. You need to run away if he pours black mist from his mouth. Let the boss come after you. Don’t go for the bangle that he hides near the mist, or you will take heavy damage. It’s not the boss you have to worry about but his minions and the mist. Focus only on his bangles and your health. And you are good to go. 

 Old Demon King

You will encounter him at the end of Smoldering lake. He is a fiery boss that will do fire-spreading damage like spitting flame thrower from his mouth. He is a huge boss, so you might want to keep an eye on his big weapon attack.  You can land your weapon on him while he is busy fighting your summoned soul and doing fire breath. He also has a firing ring coming at you twice. You simply have to dodge when the ring approaches.  The last one is a meteor shower. At this point, Old Demon King will become more aggressive with his attacks. If your summoned soul is still alive, try to finish the Demon king while he is distracted by your summon. 

Pontiff Sulyvahn

It was almost impossible to beat this guy if it wasn’t for the two summoned souls I brought into the battle. Pontiff Sulyvahn will be waiting for you in Irithyll’s main cathedral after you cross the sewers near Distant Manor.   He has two swords, one is a fire sword, and the other is a magic sword that he attacks simultaneously. I tried to defeat him in a single boss fight, but he brings the summons, so it’s fair enough to bring mine.  I focused first on killing the clone when the boss was distracted by my summon souls. I was getting attacked repeatedly by both the boss and clones when I went to fight along. Summoning NPC souls to fight alongside makes it much easier, particularly in the case of Pontiff Sulyvahn.

Yhorm, The Giant

You can battle him either in a hard way or an easy way. If you just want to get over it, grab the Storm Ruler beside the throne and equip the weapon to defeat the giant easily.  Use your weapon art to buff and charge the air out of the Storm Ruler. After two hits, he will glow fiery orange and start to attack aggressively. Just stay out of his range and use Storm Ruler’s sword art, and he will be down in a minute. 

Aldrich, Devourer Of Gods

You can find him inside the building with an enormous door in Anor Londo. You need to go from the back to open the door, but Aldrich will be at the end of the building, so you can also choose to go straight up the stairs and face Aldritch. I struggle so much to defeat this boss. It was such a pain, but eventually, I defeated him and breathed a sigh of relief. There are several attacks he will do, and he vanishes from one corner to another.  When his health depletes to half, he will appear in a fire that will do damage. He will also have an arrow volley that will chase you, raining down hundreds of arrows. If you want to heal and maintain a safe distance, make sure his magic orb is not chasing you, or you will get hit plenty of times.  It’s a hit-and-run type of battle if you are good with it. Just keep attacking before he slams his weapon to create a dark portal. You will also require enough stamina to roll away because the dark smog will deal high badly. 

Dancer Of The Boreal Valley

You can fight with him early in the game by killing the High Priestess in Lothric Castle. But I won’t recommend it because he is too powerful when you encounter him early. She was fast, agile, and tricked me into dodging early and getting damaged every time.  She will pull out her second sword once her health is damaged enough. This is the next phase and the part where you hit and run because she will do a spin attack several times. You can either dodge or stay at a safe distance. The right time to attack is when she slams her swords. It creates a small window to attack her. I mostly used my ranged attack like pyro because I knew once I would get hit by her two sword swings if I was near her. But once her health was down to a quarter, I began to charge like crazy using my weapon art, and I was able to defeat her. 

Dragonslayer Armour

I was more careful not to fall from the edge of the bridge than to fight this boss because once you slip, it’s game over. At this point, I was pretty used to fighting the boss, and I leveled up too. Additionally, I had to summon a soul to help me out.  Rolling from his right will give you an advantage, or he will use his shield to block your attacks. After a couple of hits, he will charge his weapon with lighting. Don’t let him get you with his lunge attack because it will kill you instantly.  You will occasionally get hit by a chaos ball falling from above, but don’t let it distract you. Keep on attacking Dragonslayer, and he will be defeated. Just make sure to dodge his attacks. 

Oceiros, The Consumed King

It’s creepy, from sound design to the design of the boss. I never got to know about his imaginary child he seems to be holding.  He seems to talk too much about his child while attacking with his magic staff. He gets aggressive once he gives up on an imaginary child and begins attacking with all his might.  He will attack you with icy mist that will build up damage, and in the second phase, he will have a breath that will curse you. If you keep your footing underneath him and attack, the foe will be down and out. 

Champion Gundyr

He is stronger, faster, and has more attacks than before. He will kick you, stomp you, and perform all sorts of gymnastic attacks with his halberd.  After dealing enough damage, his eyes will glow red and put more effort into killing you. It’s a challenging boss fight with no magic or dark power, simple combat between you and the Champion.  He is one of the bosses who uses his sheer fighting skills to try and defeat you, making Champion Gundyr the most fun and exhilarating fight between warriors. 

Lothric, Younger Prince

He is the last Lord of Cinder, with his inseparable brother Lorian. Lorian is the one you have to deal with as he charges you with his fire sword. He has a series of small but powerful attacks and teleports to get away.   Once you defeat him, Lothric will again revive Lorian to fight, but this time, he will have Lothric on his back. The fight gets pretty difficult when you get attacked by both magic and sword attacks. You now have to defeat both Lothric and Lorian.  After defeating Lorian for the second time, Lothric will try to revive him again. This will create a window for you to defeat Lothric. It’s a battle of death and revival and you have to break the chain by killing Lothric

Ancient Wyvern

He is an enormous dragon who will appear in Archdragon Peak. You can either defeat him by slashing and using spells or go up to the tower to jump attack on his head. Although I would not suggest you kill him traditionally because he has a strong defense and is too big.  The second method is to ignore him totally and go left. Defeat all the snake enemies. Don’t stand in an open area where the dragon can see you, or you will be taking fire breath damage. After the bridge, there is a small ladder just beside it. Climb the ladder above the dragon and wait for the dragon to lower his head. Jump directly above his head, and you will land a one-hit knockout. 

Nameless King

If you find him too difficult, you have the option to not battle the Nameless king. He rides in his dragon and will cast lighting spears at you while he flies above you. Of all the bosses in Dark souls 3, he is one of the toughest bosses to fight. He is at the Archdragon Peak, where you must ring the giant bell and enter the fog gate. There are two phases of the boss fight. One is the dragon part, where you defeat his dragon, and the next is when he gets angry and starts attacking you. He also has a phase where he will start attacking with lighting attacks. 

Soul Of Cinder

The final boss of DarkSouls 3. He is fast, does backflips, and casts various magic spells. Everything a final boss has to offer. He uses a coiled sword with fire damage but also can turn into casting spells.  He will have a long sword in his second phase, so be out of the range if he starts swinging. Plus, he can grab you and throw you away. Soul of Cinder is just like other online players with unlimited spells,  overpowered fire swords and magic spells.   He is not that fast in the second phase, but his attack will deal heavy damage. My advice is to block first, dodge, and look for openings to hit him. The trick is to play slowly but steadily.  Now that you have made it to the final, you have completed the Dark Souls 3 storyline but not the game because there is two additional downloadable content you can play. 

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