Although there are many reasons behind the black screen problem, it is reported to arise mostly due to a glitch in the power circuitry of the TV or weak input signals. Nonetheless, poor cable connections, overheating, outdated firmware, or damage to display components are also possible reasons behind the issue. Whatever the causes are, this article will guide you through different troubleshooting methods to help solve the black screen problem.

How to Fix Black Screen of Death on Samsung TV?

As we already mentioned, the black screen problem is primarily due to power glitches. You can solve this glitch by simply draining the residual power from the TV capacitors. For this, turn off the TV and keep pressing the power button for a few seconds, then turn your TV back on. We also suggest using a voltage regulator like a stabilizer or UPS to maintain constant voltage flow. However, if that does not work, we have compiled a list of 10 fixes you can apply to solve the problem. Let’s dive straight into them.

Change the Input Mode

The first thing you need to do is to change the input mode on the TV. If the signal of the currently selected input mode degrades or goes off while watching TV, it will end up with a black screen. So, you should try switching to another available input mode. For instance, if your TV is connected to the set-top box via HDMI mode, try changing your source to USB mode. Take a USB drive with some videos and play them on your TV. If you don’t encounter the black screen problem while streaming from USB mode, there is probably an issue with either the HDMI cable or set-top box. This way, you can know if only a particular source is faulty or if your TV is itself a problem.

Check Connection Quality

You may be using either a cable box, satellite dish, or some other form as an input source of the TV. The wire connections can sometimes get loose, and your TV may show a black screen. So, inspect every connection cable and tighten them if they are loose. You can also unplug and re-plug them. If you are a satellite dish user, climatic conditions can affect signal quality. It can not only distort the TV signal but also wholly turn the TV screen black. It will help if you wait till the climate gets back to normal. You can also check the quality of the signal you receive on your TV.

Disconnect Accessories from the TV

Next, you can remove any devices connected to your TV. Sometimes a problematic device connected to your TV can lead to black screen problems. Remove devices like USB, DVD players, and gaming consoles and isolate the TV to cast from the cable box only.

Check if Power Saving Is On

This is the most common mistake people out there make. If you have a power saving or sleep mode enabled on your TV, the display goes off after a specified time, and a black screen is shown by default. It is simply a feature of power saver mode, and you don’t need to worry. If you think you have enabled the feature accidentally, you can disable it easily.

Run a Self Diagnosis Test

Samsung TVs have the option to run a self-diagnosis test that includes video testing, picture testing, HDMI testing, and much more. With this test, the TV will diagnose if there is any issue that may possibly be causing the black screen of death. Simply run the test and follow the on-screen instructions to solve the problem.

Close the Running Applications

Sometimes, an application running on your TV might also be a culprit behind the black screen of death. While using some applications, you might have noticed a black screen on your mobile phone. The case is the same with the TV as well. If the application is not supported by your TV’s operating system or specifications, it will throw a black screen error as soon as you launch the app or in between the application session. This issue is solely caused due to problems in that specific app. If you are facing a similar kind of error, you can at any time update the application. If updating does not solve the problem, you can completely uninstall it to get rid of the problem.

Change Picture Settings

Picture settings on the TV should be set such that it is suitable for what you are viewing on the screen. If the images or videos you are watching and the picture settings do not match, it can throw a black screen of death. Therefore, depending upon the resolution of the content to watch, you need to change the picture size on your Samsung TV.

Update Firmware

Another reason for the black screen on your Samsung TV is the outdated firmware. With outdated firmware, the applications and devices connected to the TV can not coordinate properly with the hardware resulting in a black screen. So, always make sure your TV has up-to-date firmware.

Reset the TV

Resetting the TV can come in handy if the firmware update process has been interrupted and you start facing the black screen of death. Power interruption during the update process will cause the TV to brick, eventually throwing a black screen error. Resetting will help revert everything to factory defaults. You may also perform a reset as a last resort to solve the black screen problem.

Take Professional Assistance

In the worst case, the display components on your TV, like the T-Con board or backlight inverter, may get damaged, resulting in a black screen. In such cases, you need to take professional assistance and get it repaired. However, if you have some technical knowledge, you can correct the TV screen yourself by consulting our article on how to fix a broken TV screen. Moreover, you don’t need to spend a penny on repairs if you are under the warranty period. You can even claim a new TV if a significant fault results in a black screen.

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